Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

terapi cairan perioperatif

Perioperatif Fluid Management
dr. Isngadi, M.Kes., SpAn
Dept. Anesthesiology
dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital / Brawijaya University, School of Medicine
Fisiologi Cairan Tubuh
         ICF                ISF                 IVF
          40 %             15%                 5%
            Total Cairan tubuh : 60% BB
Tujuan Penatalaksanaan Cairan Perioperatif
Mempertahankan volume intravascular
Menjaga Transport Oksigen
Memenuhi Kebutuhan Basal Cairan
indikasi terapi cairan
Tidak dapat minum cukup pengganti urine, keringat, nafas
Koreksi ketidak-seimbangan cairan (jumlah & komposisi)
Koreksi kehilangan abnormal
Perlu nutrisi intravena (usus tidak berfungsi)
Cairan Maintenance
Cairan Replacement
Cairan Nutrisi
Bilamana pasien perlu mendapat infus ?
Tidak dapat minum cukup cairan pengganti kehilangan
Perlu koreksi ketidak-seimbangan cairan  (jumlah dan komposisi elektrolit)
Perlu nutrisi intravena karena usus tidak berfungsi
Perlu jalan masuk vena untuk obat   (keep vein open)_
Cairan Maintenance
Mengganti kehilangan cairan rutin           (turn over ECF)
keluar urine (25 ml/kg/hari)                       
keringat + uap air nafas (700 ml/m2/hari)
Pasien 50 kg = 1.5m2 mengeluarkan cairan         (50 kg x 25 ml) + (1.5 x 700 ml) = 2250 ml
Jumlah ini harus diganti agar               keseimbangan cairan terjaga baik
Kebutuhan sehari
Volume  :  2000 ml (40 - 50 cc/kg)
 Natrium : 100-200 mEq (2-4 mEq/kg)
Kalium   :   50-150 mEq ( 1-3 mEq/kg)
Kalori     :   1500 kcal  ( 25-30 kcal/kg)
RD 1000 + D5 1000 ml Natrium   147       Kalium         4         Kalori       400
KaEnMg 2000 ml Natrium    100 Kalium       40 Kalori       800
Pedoman terapi cairan
cairan keluar = cairan masuk
Cairan Intravena
Terapi cairan intravena terdiri dari infus kristaloid, koloid, atau kombinasi keduanya.
1.Cairan kristaloid :
  Merupakan cairan encer yg   terdiri dari ion-ion (garam) dg BM rendah, dg atau tanpa glukosa. Cairan ini cepat setimbang dan didistribusi seluruhnya ke ruang cairan ekstrasel.
2. Cairan koloid terdiri dari substansi dg BM tinggi spt protein atau polimer glukosa besar, yang berfungsi menjaga tekanan onkotik koloid plasma dan sebagian besar tetap berada intravaskuler
Cairan Kristaloid
Pemilihan cairan berdasarkan jenis kehilangan cairan.
üKehilangan air diganti dg cairan hipotonik (cairan maintenance-type)
üKehilangan air disertai defisit elektrolit diganti dg cairan elektrolit isotonik (cairan replacement-type)
üKehilangan cairan intra operasi kebanyakan adl isotonik, umumnya digunakan cairan replacement-type, umumnya digunakan Ringer Laktat 
Waktu paruh intravaskuler : 20-30 menit
...con’t cairan kristaloid
Ringer Laktat
  hipotonik ringan, td. 100mL H2O dan Na 130 meq/L, plg fisiologis u/penggantian ciran dlm jml besar.
Normal salin
  cairan pilihan u/asidosis metabolik hiperkloremik dan u/mencairkan packed RBC sebelum transfusi
  u/mengganti defisit air murni dan sbg cairan maintenance bagi pasien dg pembatasan natrium
Cairan Koloid
Waktu paruh intravaskuler : 3-6 jam
Indikasi penggunaan koloid :
1.Resusitasi cairan pd pasien dg defisit cairan intravaskuler berat (contohnya syok hemoragik) sblm tersedia darah u/transfusi
2.Resusitasi cairan pd pasien yg mengalami hipoalbuminemia berat
3.Digunakan setelah resusitasi dg kristaloid saat EBL >20%, sebelum transfusi.   
Perbandingan komposisi
pada berbagai cairan infus
Seorang Dewasa BB 60 kg akan dilaksanakan operasi herniotomy. Pasien puasa 8 jam prabedah, lama operasi lebih kurang 1 Jam.
Berapa volume cairan yang diperlukan ?
Apa cairan yang dipilih ??
Jenis-Jenis larutan elektrolit
berdasarkan tonisitasnya

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

pengukuran dan monitoring tekanan intra kranial


Sectional HEAD
§ Intra Cranial Pressure
• ICT is the pressure caused by the addition of volume within the cranium

• The contents of the cranium are:

86% of brain tissue,

CSF of 10%

4% of blood

In other words

Total blood volume = Volume + Volume + Volume of brain CSF

• Hypothesis Monro kelly:
If there is an addition to the other component parts of the brain will adjust so that the brain volume remains constant.
• If the compensation limit exceeded slight increase in volume will result in an increase in ICT

In other words
Total blood volume = Volume + SCF + Volume Volume Volume + brain tumor

• The normal value of ICT is 1-15 mmHg

Newborn § 0.7 to 1.5 mmHg
Infant § 1.5 to 6 mm Hg
§ Children 3 to 7.5 mmHg
§ Adult 1-15 mm Hg
§ Relationship Between Compliance and ICT
§ meninges (membranes surrounding the brain)

A layer of the meninges (connective tissue) that covers the brain and spinal marrow.

☺ Piamater

☺ arachnoid

☺ dural
§ Brain blood flow (CBF)
§ The brain receives ± 15% of cardiac output

± 800 ml of blood flow to the brain

CBF ± 50 cc / 100gr brain / min.

§ The brain blood flow and function to bring 02 glucose for energy.

CBF is governed by:
§ cerebral autoregulation.

A. Stress / pressure

2. Chemistry (PCO2 and PO2)
§ Maintained normal CBF at MAP 50-150 mmHg.
§ MAP <50 mmHg → cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarction
§ MAP> 150 mmHg

→ Damage to the defense of the brain, brain hemorrhage, brain edema
Pressure autoregulation.
§ pressure autoregulation serves to maintain blood flow to the brain and the CPP in the range of certain MAP
§ The ability of the brain to maintain CBF at MAP between 50-150 mmHg, this process because of the contraction of smooth muscle walls of blood vessels of the brain in response to pressure changes.
§ If MAP <50 mmHg cerebral ischemia occur
§ If MAP> 150 mmHg kontriksi power damage blood vessels and CBF will rise suddenly, there is damage to the blood brain barrier and cerebral edema occurs and bleeding of the brain
§ In certain circumstances this autoregulation is lost in the event of pathological conditions such as head trauma, trepanation, bleeding, chronic hypertension, cerebral ischemia, cerebral infarct, edema surrounding brain tumors
§ In the conditions of loss of autoregulation in case of hypertension will increase CBF and hypotension will occur ischemia.kedua this resulted in an increase in ICT

§ CBF ↔ PaCO2
§ CBF change at any time in the event of changes in PaCO2
§ CBF doubled in PaCO2 80 mmHg. means when the PaCO2 rises will occur vasodilatation
§ Decreased CBF when PaCO2 20 mmHg half. mean PaCO2 down will occur when vasoconstriction
§ CBF ↔ PaO2
§ Changing the state of low PaO2 and little change in the high PaO2.
§ When PaO2 <50 mmHg causes cerebral vasodilation occurs to increase CBF.
§ Circulation css
§ physiology
Spinal fluid cerebrovascular (CSS)
§ Factors that influence CBF
§ sympathetic and parasympathetic, sympathetic and parasympathetic vasodilatation resulting in vasoconstriction resulting
§ increased blood viscosity so that CBF decreased
§ The temperature dropped causing cerebral metabolism decreased mean CBF fell
§ Age: the older the blood flow will increasingly fall
§ Causes of increased ICP
§ Edema of the brain
§ Surgery of the brain
§ Hidrocepalus
§ Mass in the brain
§ Bleeding in the brain
§ SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS INCREASING intracranial pressure
§ Dizziness
§ Vomiting
§ Decrease in consciousness
§ Trias chusing

(Hypertension, bradicardia, impaired breathing pattern)
§ herniation of the brain
§ Management of ICT increases
§ Intubation
§ Control of ventilation by maintaining a PO 2 <35 mmHg
§ Volume resusitation
§ Normal blood pressure
§ normal CPP
§ Normalised ICP
§ Provide sedation
§ bolus of mannitol
§ Prophylactic anti seizure: Penitoin
§ Monitoring
§ Monitor the ICP
§ Monitor CVP
§ Monitor the CPP
§ Monitor Pulse oximetry
§ icp monitoring objective is to determine directly the value of Seara intra cranial pressure (ICP) that can be calculated CPPnya value, because the CPP is essential for cerebral blood flow indicator.
§ Monitorning ICP can be through sub aracnoid, epidural, or intraventricular brain intraparenkim
§ masnig Each location has its advantages and disadvantages.
§ Advantages and disadvantages
§ Ventrikulostomy
§ Installation of ventricular catheter into the lateral ventricle.
§ Indications:
1.COB with GCS <7 or less with unstable hemodynamics with CT scans could not be examined
2.COB with normal CT scan with age> 40 years there are signs of SBP <90 mmHg with abnormal posture changes
3.COB difusse injury with damage
4.Secondary cerebral injury
5.Untuk monitor the effects of therapy to lower intracranial pressure sepoerti: Hyperventilation, diuresis, in patients with high ICT
§ Contra Indications:
§ Thrombocytopenia (<50,000)
§ the freezing extends
§ There is an open wound near the site of insertion
§ imunosupressi

§ Installation Destination
§ To drain excess CSS
§ For external mendrainage
§ Monitor the intra cranial pressure.
§ Old installation
5-10 days, should be replaced every 5 days
Criteria for the release of ICP monitor
ICP-normal with no other therapy after 24 hours
-Increase in GCS> 9
§ Insertion Locations ICP
§ Point Kocher


Mid pupillary line perpendicular to the

3-4 cm lateral sagittal suture and 1 cm in the anterior sutura coronaria
§ ventriculostomy
§ How pegukuran ICP
§ Using the transducer and monitor
§ Passive
§ ventricle Drainage and ICP Monitoring
1.Atur position of the patient as comfortable as possible.
2.Petugas wash hands
3.Pasang manometer on the IV pole
4.Ukur by using a water fitting to the zero point on the manometer (ventricles) are the temples of patients / acusticus external meatus
5.Titik equate to zero in patients with a zero point in using a water manometer fitting
6.Buka three way from the ventricle into the manometer while in view undulasinya.
7.Tunggu until the flow stops
8.Setelah stop the flow of reading on the manometer.
9.Kemudian three way back to its original position towards the reservoir
10.Petugas wash their hands and blame the results of measurements
11.Alat device cleared
§ Conversion of Measurement ICP / CVP
§ 1 mmHg = 13.6 mmH20 = 1.36 CmH2O
§ 1 cm H2O = 0.74 mmHg
§ How to calculate the conversion from cmH2O mmHg

5 CmH2O = 5 CmH2O


= 3.7 mmHg
Another way:

CmH20 5CmH2O = 5 X 0.74 mm Hg = 3.7 mmHg
§ Intracerebral Hemorrhage with ivh
§ ICT> 20 mmHg
§ Installation of> 5 days
§ irrigation system at the catheter is not smooth or clogged
§ Infection
§ Complications ventriculostomy
§ Care Objectives:
§ Preventing the ICT ↑ caused by body position, changing the physical state and the disease process
§ Treatment:
§ Neurological Examination
§ GCS, pupils, light reflexes, vital sign observation.
§ Setting the position of Head Up heads 150-300 and straight neck position
§ Maintain periodic aseptic measures in wound care
§ Maintain a closed system.

§ Peimmeriksaan kepatenan airway
§ Maintain a supine patient position monitor function accurately sewhingga
§ Do not manipulate the drainage system
§ Avoid excessive stimulation in patients
§ Maintenance drainage continuously
- Note the periodic undulations of the following pulse.
-Place the container in accordance with the principles of sterile normal.hankan ICT
-Maintain the principle of sterile


Inhaled anesthetics

Inhaled anesthetics

FACTORS AFFECTING D GAS uptake ANAESTHESIAThe solubility of anesthetic gases in the blood.Alveolar blood flow.Partial pressure difference between alveolar air and venous blood.FACTORS DETERMINING THE CONCENTRATION D GAS INSPIRASI/F1Fresh Gas Flow speed.Volume breathing circuit.Absorption circuit anesthesia.
MINIMUM Alveolar ConcentrationMAC: The concentration of inhaled anesthetics which

prevent 50% of patient movement

to the standard stimuli

(Surgical incision).

Nitrous OXIDE/N2ORespiratory system:

- Cause tachypnea.

- Reduce the tidal volume.

- Hypoxic drive.Cardiovascular system:

- Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.

- Increased resistance vasculer.

blood vessels of the lungs.Nitrous OxideSSP:

- Increase cerebral blood flow

And cerebral blood volume.

- Causes an increase in intra

cranial pressure is light.

- Increase CMRO ₂Renal:

- Reduce RBF.

- Decrease in GFR.

HalothaneRespiratory system:

- Reduce the tidal volume.

- Increased respiratory rate.

- Increased PaCO2.

- A potent bronchodilator.Cardiovascular system:

- Depressed myocardial contractility.

- Reduce the frequency of the heart.

- Reduce coronary blood flow.

HalothaneCardiovascular system

- Decrease in arterial blood pressure

is dose dependent, occurring

direct effect on depression


- At a concentration of 2 MAC, crossed the

causes decreased cardiac output

And blood pressure by 50%.Halothane

Central nervous system:

       - Pemb vasodilator. Cerebral blood.

       - Increase CBF.

- Degrade CMR.


- Reduce RBF and GFR.Hepatic:

- Reduce the hepatic blood flow.
EnfluraneRespiratory system:

- Increase the frequency of breath.

- Reduce the minute ventilation.

- Increased PaCO2.Cardiovascular system:

- Depressed myocardial contractility.

- Lower the SVR.

- Increase the frequency of heart.EnfluraneCentral Nervous System:

- Increase CBF and ICP.

- Degrade CMR.

- Increase seizure activity.Renal:

- Reduce RBF and GFR.Hepatic:

- Reduce the hepatic blood flow.IsofluraneThe respiratory system;

- Reduce the minute ventilation.

- Rarely cause tachypnea.Cardiovascular system:

- Lower the SVR.

- Dilatation of coronary arteries.

- Lowering blood pressure.

Isoflurane* Central nervous system:

- At concentrations> 1 MAC, increased

katkan CBF and ICP.

- Decrease CMR O2.

* Renal:

- Reduce RBF and GFR.

* Hepatic:

- Reduce the hepatic blood flow.

- Maintain hepatic perfusion.
SevofluraneCentral Nervous System:

- A slight increase CBF and ICP.

- Decrease CMR O2.Renal:

- Slightly lower RBF.Hepatic:

- Improve artery blood flow.

- Decrease portal vein blood flow.SevofluraneRespiratory system:

- Depression of respiration.

- Increase the frequency of breath.Cardiovascular system:

- Depressed myocardial contractility.

- Prolong the QT interval.

       - A smaller decrease SVR

          of isoflurane and halothan.

Fractured / Broken Ankle

Ankle ORIF

Open Reduction Internal Fixation

ORIF Distal Fibular Fx (sample) - www.proceduresconsult.com