Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

management shock

Oleh :
Tri Cahyo S
  Suatu sindroma dimana perfusi jaringan tidak adekuat, akibat dari ketidak mampuan sistem sirkulasi untuk mensuplai oksigen
Perfusi jaringan tidak adekuat
Penurunan suplai oksigen
Metabolisme anaerobik
Akumulasi “metabolic waste”
PUMP tdk bekerja scr optimal 
FLUID  tidak cukup dlm sistem 
TUBING : gangguan fungsi distribusi

Kondisi normal

satu komponen mengalami gangguan fungsi
komponen lain berusaha melakukan kompensasi
Pada kondisi shock
satu komponen mengalami gangguan fungsi
elemen lain gagal melakukan kompensasi secara adekuat
Penyebab Shock
Serangan jantung
Kehilangan darah yg berat atau tiba-tiba
Penurunan cairan tubuh
Terpapar lama pada kondisi panas/dingin yg ekstrem
Klasifikasi Shock
ØSyok Kardiogenik
ØSyok Hipovolemik
ØSyok Distributif
ØSyok Obstruktif
Cardiogenic shock
Jantung kehilangan kemampuan u/ memberikan suplai darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh
Biasanya akibat kegagalan ventrikel kiri sekunder thd  infark miokardial akut & gagal jantung
Anaphylactic shock
ØReaksi antigen antibodi
Ø Pelepasan histamin
Ø Peningkatan permeabilitas kapiler
Ø Dilatasi arteriole
Venous return
Tanda Shock Akut
Pe↓ TD sistolik & diastolik secara progresif
Kulit dingin, pucat, dan lembab
Nadi kecil dan cepat
Pernafasan cepat dan dangkal
Perubahan/Petingkat kesadaran
Clinical Signs of Acute Hemorrhagic Shock
Tingkatan Shock
Compensatory stage
  Respon kompensatorik dpt menstabilkan sirkulasi
Progressive stage
  Manifestasi dari sistemik hipoperfusi & kemunduran fungsi organ
Irreversible stage
  Kerusakan sel yg hebat tdk dpt dihindari yg akhirnya menuju kematian
Compensatory stage assessment
pupils normal
heart rate increased
systolic B/P normal or slight decrease
Diastolic B/P normal or slight increase
respirations faster and deeper
output = or <
pale, cool, may be thirsty
Role of the RN
Continuous in-depth assessment of the patient’s hemodynamic status
Prompt recognition of problems
Accurate use of emergency orders
Prompt and accurate reports of deviations in assessment to physician
Reducing patient anxiety
Promoting patient safety
Progressive stage assessment
Listless, agitated, apathetic, confused
speech slowed
pupils dilated
pulses weak
systolic B/P < 90
Diastolic B/P falling
respirations rapid and shallow
cold, clammy, cyanotic, marked increase in thirst
Role of the RN
Requires expertise in assessing and understanding shock and the significance of changes in assessment data
Managing, implementing and documenting treatments, medications, fluids along with continuous assessment and collaboration
Irreversible shock assessment
Confused, disoriented or unconscious
reflexes absent
pupils dilated with minimal response to light
HR slow and irregular
pulses absent (or very weak)
Systolic B/P falling to unobtainable
Diastolic B/P approaching 0
Respirations slow and shallow, irregular
output very <or absent
cold, clammy
absent bowel sounds
Role of the RN
Continuing the astute assessment and interventions begun in previous stages
Recognizing that the patient is very likely to be terminal
Initiating palliative and end-of-life activities
Support and explanation to family members
Treatment of Shock
Maintain airway
Control bleeding
Baseline vital signs
Level of consciousness
Treatment  of  Shock
ABCD approach
Fluid therapy
Drug therapy
Keep patient at normal temperature
Prevent hypothermia
Minimize effect of shock
On-going assessment - every 10-15 minutes
Fluid Replacement
Crystalloid replacement:  NS and LR
Easily available, but can cause rebound overload, much is lost to tissues
No oxygen carrying capacity 
Colloids:  plasma proteins such as albumin
Large molecules that pull fluids into tissues, but are harder to obtain, more expensive and run risk of anaphylaxis
No oxygen carrying capacity
Blood:  if the patient is in hypovolemic shock, this is the fluid of choice
Does have oxygen carrying capacity
Harder and slower to obtain, generally needs to be cross-matched
Vasoactive medications
Vasopressors:   Intropin (dopamine), Dobutrex (dobutamine)
 Vasodilators:  Nipride (nitroprusside), Tridil (nitroglycerine)
Other medications

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